Been using the Allen and Heath 464 mixer lots lately at Sea Nightclub, best mixer I have used ever by far, so simple to use yet very very effective
i suppose depends what kit... pioneer make food blenders too - but i don't think they're much cop.... i love my technics decks and my vestax mixer... and my sony headphones.....
For me its Technics mk2s DJM600 and CDJ1000, wont use anything else than a pioneer cd deck or technics. Gettin another CDJ1000 and Allen & Heath Xone92 early next year, cant fuckin wait! for live - ableton live!
Sorry but A&H mixers rock. I'm not a fan of the DJM. They don't sound as good as A&H mixers, they don't look as good, and they don't feel as good. I my xone92......wouldn't part with it for anything!!