well well well Isn't this entertaining. To come back and read what has been said while I quit for five minutes. I have to come back and say my piece. To start things off someone started a thread called black people. I cottoned on to this wind up and they dont like it. I must state that I am a lover of all people in this world. Everyone should have equal rights and the power and chances to be someone. It is unfortunate of the way the world works today, but the correct people are put in place to try and fix this. To hear of heartbreaking stories that happen sometimes five minutes from our door and mostly thousands of miles away can bring a tear to the eye in any man. To hear about rape, murder and other atrocities that have happened and also in the past, can be extremely hurtful to think that someone who has been given the gift of life, can hurt others in such unthinkable ways. I am a 20 year old man with an open mind. I attend a college that is muliti national and I am proud to be in such a place. My IT class is an ESOL class, which means I am with students from places such as China, Palestine and Japan. These people are very friendly and although they may not be able to have full on conversations with us, they try and me and my friend try our very best to converse with them. I have no hatred towards any people in this world apart from those that offend me by calling me things which are not true. I have been brought up in this world by a caring mother as a Catholic and although I dont attend church every week I am still a believer in the faith. I also have faith. Faith in people that have hurt others, faith in thieves rapists murderers be it whatever, everyone has the chance to make a fresh start and proove that they are worth the air they breathe. Be it me or the person next to me, someone will be on the receiving end on this board. Others will continue to hurt and be the thick skinned persons you are, your day will come. This board was placed here in the first place for the people who loved and appreciated music, and most of all Promise. The board has completley slipped over and is not being ran well IMO. At the end of the day, I, and other true friends I have know who I am and where I am coming from which is all that matters. I live in the real world. Much like yourselves, however there are some who are sucked into this world of cyber.