weird and wonderful... dreams!!! why do we have them i wonder!! strange people and things that u havent thought about for months will just pop into mine randomly from nowhere!! woke up this morning and had had a propa strange dream about this girl i didnt used to get on with from school and scabby kelly that sometimes posts on here and they were both in guisborough and i ended up having a full on fist fight (which i have never had in my life may i add!!!) with them both and propa hurting them and getting barred out of this bar i sometimes go to... hhhmmm wishful thinking where do our strange dreams come from tho i always have propa weird ones that just come from nowhere...i always dream about having a baby too... why do we get all these weird and wonderful dreams i wonder..?!?!xxx
Agreed dreams are total weird like! I dreampt last night i was in prison and my cell mate was saddam hussein and strangely he was quite a nice chap
i usually have celebrity dreams that seem totally real and i get all excited then wake up and realise they werent real at all jules is a regular occurence in them!! xxx
LOL i had a CrAzEy dream last night loads of funny stuff happened apart from me losing one of my teeth when i was trashed int he dream
Cant remember any dreams from lastnight .... The night before though I had baby twins in one though, they werent mine but I was trying to give one its bottle but it wasnt having any of it, it just wanted to suck my finger
I have some mad dreams like. Any of you lot have recurring dreams? I tend to have them about fighting were I always win even though I'm hitting so slowly, I also dream about wasps alot and they always freak me out, the last one I had I was crushing them between my wrists
Last week I had a hangover dream, and i was in this kebab shop, and some guy headbutted the window from outside and broke it, then came in and decked this bloke. The bloke turned round and it was eddie halliwell :spangled: So the police came in and talked to me I woke up...and then thought to myself...shit, i remember speaking to the police last night about that guy, hope they dont want another statement Took me a few minutes to realise it was actually a dream and not real Pissed dreams are amazingly vivid like :spangled:
I was in need of a hair cut, and this being a matter of such importance, was obviously playing on my mind while I was sleeping.... So in my dream I went on the bus to the metro with the sole intention of getting a hair cut, on the bus I decided I wanted a mullet (as you do). Once in the metrocentre, where did I decide to go to get my mullet done?....... POUNDLAND! Where else?? I even dreamt about the method of paying for the poundland hair cut, you gave your pound to the person on the till who printed out a receipt thing, you then had to give it to the 'bouncer' who was on the door in the hairdressing section of poundland. But the people in poundland didn't often get customers in asking for mullets, so we had to go to the internet cafe section of poundland and do some research first! I once had a dream that I accidentally blew up a petrol station, can't remember how, but it was ok coz it was right next to the sea, so I hid under the water till the explosion had passed what goes on in my head??? Does anyone else get really scared of things that aren't the slightest bit scary in dreams? I sometimes wake up terrified and dripping with sweat over nowt.
i used to have crazy dreams when i was clubbing 4 nights a week and on stuff.... now i am okay though!! havent really dremt anything mad for a while!