walkabout just been on a 2 hour trek round seaham. the weathers shit hot so i decided to don me shorts ge me camera and go on a walk. felt good to get out and just walk about. am i strange? might hoy some pictures up in the photo forum
Re: walkabout your coming of age, that is what old people do, "oh i think i'll go for a walk" next time run you will feel better/ younger for it
I've just been for a long walk too, was lush! Still up of last nite so decide to walk my dogs along the riverside. Had to wash the bloody dogs though as they'd been in the river! Am so bored now! My best mate and his cousin are at mine, both passed out. One in my bed and the other on my sofa, where the fuck am I supposed to sleep now?
i think ill get another dog, if i get bored with it i can always take it over the road and slip Dave Smith a tenner to 'put it out of its misery'