Wake Up Lazy Gits!!!!!! Am i the only one up this morning?its 8 o clock.Have a good night last night?hope so coz i had to stay in and watch the shitty telly.Am up bright and early this morning coz the bairn woke up @ 6:00,thought there would be some peeps on here but i was wrong,and now am bored.
well i woz up @ 7 this mornin.................AN I WENT OUT LAST NITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehe roll on 2nite....................'LOST'
yeah and I'm up un all! Morning everyone Innit (notice correct spelling all u southerners) great when u wake up, it's half eight, you're just thinking "fuck gotta get outta me pit and go to work in 10 mins" then u realise it's saturday not friday!!! way hay
I normally do that Chem,what u wanna do is when your off work set your alarm for your normal time,then when it goes off you just turn over and say FUUK OFFFFFF.then go back to sleep,its great