Vandits Canny few being released of late Normally its one every year or summit but lately there's been : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding onto Nothing Castaneda - Floor Control Terry Bones Vs Fred Baker - Introspection G & M Project - Sunday Afternoon MMDC - No More Rain Wonder who got there finger ooot in Berlin ?!?! Am more than looking forward to releases at this rate, its just a shame the sleeve has changed to just blue with the tune title at the top on a white sticker instead of with the Vandit groove on it
thing is, half of them were released on other lables first, cos vandit take so long! Agnelli & Nelson - Holding onto Nothing - Extraviganza Castaneda - Floor Control - Duty Free G & M Project - Sunday Afternoon - ID&T
Re: Vandits not exactly classic tunes though are they!maybe quality beats quantity here! i just don't get this john askew revolution though!:spangled:
Askew's bass line Personally i wouldnt say no to any of them in a set of mine, there all quality trance regardless of if he plays them or not !
they are all ok...but everyone except pvd himself stopped playing them a long time ago! askew's kick sounds wicked, but i've never been excited by any of the tunes, they don't seem to lead anywhere!just van-dyk banging trance!
You obviously are`nt into Van Dyk style banging trance Dave, IMO opinion it should be applauded for being different to most other trance, i.e it has a KICK, as opposed to most of the stuff thats around @ the moment, i.e it all sounds the same & is "airy fairy"! - TBH i think all them tunes sound ace, they would`nt fit into many ppl`s set like, coz like i said they sound different to most of the stuff being released right now....... ShinySY!
i agree. his kick is class, but thats all there is! Theres hardly and pad or melody in any of his tunes. they are very PVD. Im not keen, but thats just my personal taste. ive only like about 5 trance tunes in the last few months anyway...
i am quite into the van dyk style..but only really when i go see the man himself! his presence in the club makes the music seem so much better, the way the crowd react etc...if i played a set made of the same tunes in my own house it might as well just be one long kick! personally i prefer ideal sets to go somewhere, and not just be 'the kick' constantly, although i aint saying i dont enjoy a good van dyk set every now and again!
Can see where you`re coming from mate, horses for courses, no worries, next time PVD`s @ the empire, if you`re there i`ll have a stomp with ya ! ShinySY!
He totally fucking rinsed the Sugarshack when he played there last time From the first into tune into some banging as fuck trancer ! What a night that was
The best set i`ve EVER seen him play, simple as that, the fact it was @ my home town club makes it all the sweeter !!! ShinySY!
the night an sugarshack was about the best night i had out last year....but it is a perfect example of van dyk! i've got the set on cd as oil faulkner recorded it..and to listen to in the house it aint nothing special!
i have misplaced the cd when i moved up newcastle last weekend! i put an mp3 version up on d/c and kazza!
i put it on as 1 and 2 it is good quality considering it is form a tape originally!i've got tiesto's set from last year too but it is much poorer quality!