Valentines fuckup haha...just had to go to the town to get our lass a valentines card... after friday night at promise i went back to my mates house and we ended up staying up all a taxi home at 11:00 in the morn and decided to go an get our lass a card in the town...picked an awesome one but then went to write it out last night and i read inside...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am a munter
Ive done that with a christmas card put happy birthday instead of christmas still sent it, jsut pretended it was a joke
my theory is that it is a pile of commercial wank (Ken agrees) but as he doesn't do anything nice or romantic for me the rest of the year he has to on the commercial days (valentines, easter, birthdays and christmas) then again i ain't received no flowers, or card...
It sure is! I'd much rather do romantic stuff on days when other people aren't- makes it more special imo.