Union Jack - Two Full Moons & A Trout (Fred Baker Vs Vincent Gorczak Remix) Easily the best remix of this tune now its amazing!
Someone had it on soulseek under the name Out Of The Past - Mystery but when I heard it it was the Baker & Gorczak Remix of Two Full Moons & A Trout.
Re: Re: Union Jack - Two Full Moons & A Trout (Fred Baker Vs Vincent Gorczak Remix) Yep Mr Berry must of been on drugs to think of a name like this. Tho Kippenvelmeter would give it a run for its money to be a silly name
i have a new tune and its its called out of the past - mystery (fred baker vs vincent Gorczak rmx) strange :think:
nah just checked there, this tune is defo defo called out of the past - mystery its getting released soon