UK bans PlayStation 'chipping' The chips allow imported copies of PS2 games to be played The selling of "mod chips" for Sony PlayStation 2 game consoles has been ruled illegal by a UK high court. A PlayStation 2 with a modified chip installed can play imported or pirated copies of the console's video games. Mr Justice Laddie backed Sony's legal argument that its intellectual property was being infringed by people selling the chips to console owners. The ruling is thought to be one of the first brought under a controversial European Union directive on copyright. < Full Story >
They can make it illegal if they won't stop it! Ps... I didn't know u could get ps2 chips....I want one,........who does it? ( pm )
lol ps2 chips been out for aaaaaaaaages mate!!!!!!! google for it - theres tons! one in shields sumwherw
the one in shields has gone under. got visited by F.A.C.T. and that other copyright body. Anyways - they're basically fucked now. The best place to buy yer chip from is if they're still going. Best chip to get is the Messiah 2.2 pro i think. Messiah 2 anyways. Depending what version station u got also depends on chipping. Visit their site for advice. Then u need to find someone to do the work. Because of the new ruling, places can't offer to supply the service BUT if u send them YOUR station AND your OWN chip that you've sourced - then it can be done privately. Also EBay is not a good place - anything to do with chips and modding are also banned - even the selling of Action Replay carts cause they can be used in the process. ...not that i know much about it u understand....
Really?!? Shit never knew that - saying that was only a matter of time, they seemed well shady!! Dunno if u can get the solderless ones for the PS2? I got one for the xbox, not the best mind cos keeps moving!!!!!
All of the sites that used to do PS2 chips just do Xbox ones now cos they're still legal to sell as they have a linux bios on them. Dunno where you could get a PS2 one from now in this country.