Tw4 Vip Tickets I realise this is in the wrong forum but i'm not having much luck in the other one cos no1 ever goes in it! I MUST sell all 4 of my TW4 VIP Tickets tomorrow or they are lost forever. £135each this is for the price of the ticket plus £10 admin fee. I was never in it to profit on the tickets just that none of us can afford to go anymore! Bastard! Someone must want them??@:????? Please resond ASAP i need to pay the money to tidy by Friday. I need the cash befor ehten in my bank!
i have just found out no admin fee before friday, so that now makes it £125 each. All 4 tickets must go asap PLEASE CONTACT ME NOW IF YOU WANT THEM.
Actually, as I found out today, there is a tenner admin fee if u change the name of the lead person on the booking....nice of them to make that clear!!! :evil:
Too late now, i'm not going and my places have been given to someone else and we have all lost our deposits! So in theory we have just paid to not go to TW4
This happened to me last year. Bought my ticket couldn't go and someone was supposed to buy it but he didn't turn up. Lost £90!!