Tunes hardwick played at promise boxing day... Anyone remember what he played? Some cracking tunes last night! Im looking for an ID on a tune ive heard him play (really fast paced with a piano as the riff - long shot but hey )
Quite a coincidence you said that, cause thats exactly what orbit said it was when he was "singing" it to me in the taxi last night .... downloaded it and that wasnt it, although he played that and it was ace. Maybe i can knock up the riff in reason and post it up
haha, get your keyboard out....! i cant htink of many piano tracks around at the moment...only naked angel + Connective....?
im pumping as many of these as possible into emule searches - keep those suggestions coming A box of celebrations to the man who guesses sucessfully!
Hmm... just downloaded it - not a piano riff as such... but a worthy addition to my collection ... the search continues...
didnt hardwick play moonman - galaxia, am ssure of it, wen i was walking down the stairs it came on, wat a fuckin tunne!! if it wasnt galaxia ne one got ne idea wat it was cos it was v.similar??
BROONY IS THE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one pint of free beer or a box of celebrations is yours Damn - HOW CLASS WAS IT WHEN THIS WAS PLAYED ON FRIDAY!!!