trauma anyone else seen this on bbc1.. tomorow night i think @ 8?... basically its filming the a & e teams that are first on the scene @ well messy accidents (train de-railings/pile ups/etc) anyway... this poor sod had fell off a bridge and well and truly fucked his leg.. the medic says.. 'right then.. best give him some ket' anyway they give him some and he starts shouting 'IM DEAD.. IM DYING!! ARGHHHHH' and went on like that for a fair while... i can imagine getting 'in the zone' when u've never had it before an in that situation wud put the shits up anyone... last week another poor sod was definatly.. in the wrong place @ the wrong time and ended up jammed between two underground trains... nevertheless.... he got sortd with a few grams... worth a look 2mrw
ON BBC 3 TONIGHT The third of a gripping documentary series about the trauma team at the Royal London Hospital. Dr Andy Ratchford is in the trauma helicopter and is called to a building site in north east London where a reinforced steel joist has fallen on top of a man. Back at the hospital Dr Paul Wallman leads the trauma team as they treat an unidentified man who has been hit by a car whilst he was out jogging. And paramedic Claudine Hollyman attends a woman in the final stages of labour with her first child. Contains upsetting scenes.
joking aside.. it is really intersting but some of the scenes are well shocking.. this guy between two trains was proper mangled
i work in hopsitals...and ket is used as a strong sedative if the normal stuff isn't as effective enough...i've seen people attatched to really big syringes full of it, and it injects it constantly through a machine on ICU!
ive just watched a copied dvd from sumbody @ work called "terrorist killers and middle east whackos" not very nice, saddams men executing people for a laff and stuff pretty harsh
Start me Trainee Ambulance Technician course in 3 weeks, cant wait. Neeeeeeeeeeee-nooooooooorrrrrrrrrr. Keep off the roads people. Learner driver wiv flashin lights & a siren. :spangled:
i saw an execution video years ago...was sick when ppl were laughing at they fired shots into ppl standing in ditches blasting parts of their faces & stuff off whilst they were still alive!