Tonights CSI.. Kinda hoping I'm not the only one who watched this.. cos its sad enough posting a thread about a tv programme never mind being the only one on the board who watches it. It was soooooo good though. Creepy as fuck and v well directed. U could tell tarentino done it.. Can't wait for next season! God.. the next season will be on at the same time as 24 day 5.. I'm gettin the impression that I might be a little sad..
Yip 24 is the dogs like.. Kim Baur.. Now I'm hard as fuck Hope they bring her back.. it wasn't the same without the hot bird. Although that bird near the end of day 4 who kidnaps tony was lush..
I love CSI: I was on the edge of my seat throughout the two episodes. Excellent story line, and superbly written + directed by Tarantino. It was by far the best episode to date, including the Miami & New York series. 24 is class, I wonder what the new series will be like, what with Jack being forced to go over the border into Mexico and be forced to start a new life with a new identity.
Re: Tonights CSI.. Class like, 2 part episode aswell! Put back til last night seen as it was orginally sposed to be shown bout 2 days after london bombings. And seen as that guy wallpapered that barn with himself aided by semtex, it wouldnt of gone down too well!! How random was that though blowing himself up after receiving a perfectly good million dollars!!
i thinked i flicked over to it last night saw some random bloke buried alive with a gun and a tape recorder he played the tape and it said you can claw your way out or shoot yourself in the heed was enough for me to turn over :camp: one of my worse fears being buried alive
I downloaded it after it was cancelled and made it into a dvd. One of the best episodes of a show i have ever seen. Lost starts soon on c4 and e4:clap:
what is that I've seen the random adverts for it but haven't a clue what its about, it looks pretty interesting though.
Its the mutts nuts.. I'm awaiting season 2 starting in the us.. The first season has one hell of a cliffhanger.. the bastards.. Its about the passengers of a plane that survived its crash on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere. Loads of wierd shit starts to happen.. and they try and figure out why - They are there and What the fuck is going on.. Tis v good.. looking forward to re-watching the first season..
LOST is fcuking awesome like the first episode is outstanding spent nearly all the series budget on the first episode just wait and you will see where all the money went LOST =