Tonight @ Egypt Cottage deepdownDirty EVERY MONDAY 7.30PM - 11.00PM EGYPT COTTAGE_CITY ROAD_NEWCASTLE with residents John Walker Lee Brent Miller Scot Nicolson FREE ADMISSION_DRINKS PROMOS ALL NIGHT ALL SORTS OF HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT! Where still on the prowl for new dj guests so if anyone is interested please PM me or email me at Where also going to change things around upstairs in egypt cottage this week. Where going to move the dj stand into the main room!
E-mailed you bout it mate. Check my tracklist in Music&DJs for a rough outline of how I play. Will drop you a mix if yr interested
WRONG ANSWER BUDDY!!! The only posh bit of Wallsend is them big houses next to the old Green Hospital.
What you doing on here? anyway you can talk you live in the Meadowell!!!!! Will get you back on monday you little shit!