Tonight!!!!!beyond! @ The Quay Club - Trance/Hard Dance/Hardhouse!! BEYOND @ The Quay Club. A night of quality trance, hard trance and hard house music for only the most hardcore of clubbers. Showcasing some of the finest local talent from the residents, plus special guest appearance from Jay-Jay (TechnoOrgasm and newly crowned Sundissential DJ) Unforunatly Nice Guy Danny from Sundissential cannot make it due to transport difficulties, But has assured us that he will be able to play at a future event! The DJ line-up is as follows... 20:00-21:00 JAMES-S 21:00-22:00 GARETH-E vs C.P.S ( trance Classics Battle ) 22:00-23:00 GARETH-E vs C.P.S ( Resident ) 23:00-00:00 DEVIOUS! ( Resident ) 00:00-01:00 JAY-JAY ( Sundissential ) 01.00-02:15 DANNY G The night is held at The Quay Club, on Dean Street (down from Jonny Ringos/the lodge) in Newcastle City Centre on Thursday, August 28th. The night begins at 8pm and finishes at 2am. It is £3 to get in before 9pm and then £5 thereafter
its going to be mint tonight i advise you all to get down there tonight i will also be recording the second part of my fast and furious collection 180bpm:evil: :evil: :evil: