tidy ??????? Found out that they said they dont want to publish his album tales from the bigroom so ID&T have snapped it up will be due come out in holland any time now all i say chimps who will lose money beer boys galaxy residents?:evil:
i dont really get it either, u on about a dj on the tidy label and tidy refuse to realise their compilation??
Re: tidy ??????? We have worked out its Yoji. Slash/Anyone what does "all i say chimps who will lose money beer boys galaxy residents?" mean
Judging by the number of question marks in the post's title, Slash himself hasnt the foggiest what he's on about :spangled: :spangled: :spangled:
I think (emphasis on the word 'think') he means that Tidy will lose money because of this and that they are beer boys................maybe? :spangled:
It could catch on as a game this: 'Guess what Slash is goin on about'- person with the least number of guesses wins