This is the finest evidence of the Loch Ness Monster ever taken It's that black thing in the water. .
Re: This is the finest evidence of the Loch Ness Monster ever taken Could be a Submarine. The marines practice leaving/entering them on exercises in Lochs around Scotland!!!
watch this one longer version the shadow moves up down with the waves not in a straight line
I love the article on CNN I can't believe it's seen as remotely credible. Then again, if that's not a Brachiosaurus swimming in the water I don't know what is.
" MrBThatsMe (19 hours ago) marked as spam Fucking hell I've seen nothing like it! Scotland had better be on the lookout for this beast of society "
there are no markers in the shot to show the scale of how big the shadowy thing actually is.... it couls only be metre long 4 all we know