This Hi:Fi story might cheer you up... Was standing at the gate of the bottom car park on saturday night and the taxi queue was just next to where i was workin in the field. I noticed this charva looking fuck-wit walk up to a skinny goth/hippy lad and punch him in the face, no provocation that i could see, probably just thought he was an easy target and wouldnt fight back.......christ was he one wrong charva. The long haired kid knocks this charva flat on his arse with one punch then his two mates start kicking seven bells of shit out of the charva!! Oh how i smiled
Re: This Hi:Fi story might cheer you up... haha i fucking love it when that happens, they work on intimidation and once hit back drop their arses
reminds me of this ronaldo looking cunt at school who hit this skinny ginger lad for no reason, needless to say the skinny ginger lad turned round and twatted him in his massive brasilian looking teeth, the toothy fucker left him alone after that