The Weekend I know its only Tuesday..but I cant help thinking about the weekend already, and im actually genuinly interested in what you lot are up to.. Anybody doing anything major, or exciting..?
it my 21st on sat gettin on goin round town to get well pissed on fri nite if anyone wants to come out with us lot then dunno either sat or sun goin down to leeds shoppin for the day
going out on friday for claire's birthday saturday - maybe stus house not too sure cant really afford to do anything big
round newc on sat? ummm - i was sposed to be goin out round sund but cud try persuade the lil madam to come to toon?
I feel so worn out from going out its unreal Hmm..i need a sleep I wanna do something quiet this weekend though..cant even be bothered with alcohol really... (trying out the detox) havent smoked in..3 days Well..actually, since about 8 in the morning on sunday..yeah thats 3 days.. U know what night Coop is working Jon? Seems like i havent seen her in ages..
not a clue, I aint seen much of her tbh either. I would apply for a slot in her diary I'm having a quiet one
I would imagine she will be working a bit Wanna try n see her though! We could do something if u want... How quiets quiet? It wont be. I know what ur like.
I have stopped the rock and drink/drugs/tabs the lot. Back to the gym tonight to get rid of my demons
friday nite think am stayin in with my honey...that is unless he's got other plans...and saturday nite its ma besties b'day so all ma guisborough girlies are coming up and we're goin out round town on the drink!! xxx