I can't believe the hypocrisy surrounding this. The irony of Colin Powell saying words to the effect that the vote was rigged and that the people did not support the outcome was just laughable. The only way we should be involved would be to influence a more controlled re-vote type thing. otherwise we should not be interfering. Once again it seems the main interest lies in securing Oil pipelines rather than securing the people.
The opposition leader claims his unhealthy looking face is due to poison attack on him Check out what he looked like a few months ago to now
We should leave them too it. It will cause more problems if the yanks get involved, if anybody is it has to be the UN
somthings happend cos that doesnt even look like the bloke at all .... people have been saying theyl rejoin russia .... others that the country will split into four seperate sections there on the verge of civil war and that pratt powell just fanned the flames ... i reckon it should be a neutral country to come in and negotiate a recounbt of the votes ..... america has vested interest as if it stays the way it is theyl loose a massive oil supply line ....... The un looks the best bet !
mate id rather have a toothless yorky like the un than a slobbering dumb hungry rotwieler like the u.s............ problem is youve got no one really looking to sort it on behalf of the people its all about what they can gain from it ... you watch this will be another blair photo opp by next week .........
civil wr defo possibility ..... but lets hope they sort things soon ... you could have stand off like the old cold war if russia and america keep this up .........
There wont be a civil war, The Donetsk regional council is making plans to break away from the Ukraine & as the Donetsk region is responsible for 70% GDP the "Oranges In Kiev" my regret there protests when they are starving.
Funny that, their supporters don't seem to be saying the same thing... And if Donetsk were to go independent (ie pro-moscow), I would not be suprised if America goes in guns blazing to 'liberate' them. (that's more a joke, not being serious - hopefully)
not that your puting money on it tho ...... botom line is somthing needs to be done to brong bopth sides together ..... otherwise were looking at nother stand off like the isreal paliistine ....one!
I dont think it would be as anywhere near as bad as Isreal V Paliistine as both sides know what they class as there land.