The Streets New Video Ok, just found this link on The Dance Front Doot website, broadband users click this link to watch it... let me know what you think ... Its like a more graphic scene from Human Traffic and maybe trying to be as clever as the Prodigy's Smack yer bitch up. CD:UK reckon parts of it can be played as long as they make a live performance...i dont think any of that track should be aired for kids sakes...but i reckon its definitely an artform and well made...lyrics are excellent. top work to be fair. listen out for the end and watch skinners lips when he says "im mashed!!"
56k modem users the streamin video can be found here :
i like it... its blatantly only ever gonna appear after 11pm or on one of those '100 greatest banned/eplicit video' documentarys tho
Fucking Charver Should be shot with the rest of them Saw this on TV the other night. Charvers must drop in Social Club Down Sarf?
Re: The Streets New Video saw it ages ago mate and as soon as i saw it cudnt believe it. top quality vid and the songs top notch aswell!