The hypocritisy of Smart E, "The Boards biggest Bandwagon Jumper" Remember Joes hatred of Techno? His mocking? His its so uncool comments? Well guess whose going to Orbit tonight? Yes, yes the foreskin less one is going to the home of Techno ORBIT . As you can tell I myself am devastated. I go to clubs like this to escape fools like him. I hope he goes Chimley Sweep, it will be like scene from "28 Days Later".
I kept expecting him to drop out! Asked him about 5 times if he REALLY wants his ticket! He says he's going for room 2! Fink he may be a bit dissapointed!
I truly believe this man single handily destroyed Promise. I know half a dozen people who stopped going because he used to make them feel sick.
Pike who the fuck did I ever stop going to promise? And who the fuck are you to say i can't go to a techno club? You and Gav have gone on and on about how good the night is, rather than being a narrow minded twat I thought I'd at least go to a techno club so i can form my own opinion.... Unlike some narrow minded biggots I like to base my opinions on reality and I'm open to new things. I don't like techno, I haven't jumped on any bandwagon (tell me please, which band wagon do I belong to? I don't know anyone who shares my music or fashion taste u plank). I'm still not a fan of techno, but I will at some point visit orbit and that doesn't mean I'm jumping on bandwagon you prized tit - it means I'm going for a ngiht out. Get a clue sweety. hope you haven't got too bad a hangover
I would go back there but i would make sure the next time i go i havent been out the night before ! As a club theres fuck all rules for dress code / the crowd are more than well up for it and its dark & dingy in some places If ya venture to the back when ya :spangled: there's settee's which ya can just lie back in and put ya feet up ! Its one of the Uk's best kept secrets ! I would want to see Dave Clarke there but i doubt he would play as its too small.... I dont know many other DJs techno wise so wouldnt know who to pick n chose with !
the orbit is class your right bout the dress code - when i 1st walked in, i thought "oh shit its full of scallies" but theyre musical scallies, all just there to have a top time to the tunes
ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!! not a big fan of techno, al admit that....HOWEVER.....adam beyer is a different story!!! only few days after payday too so...! room for me?
ADDAMMMMMM BEEYYYERRRRR Oh my god i am in heaven i'm def there, he was there in mid december but I missed him and was gutted but I'm so up for that it's unbelieveabe. His timewarp CD's fuckin awsome