The Forces I'm having serious thought about joining the RAF as a Weapons Technician, anyone else in or been in the Forces? Just wanna know what the crack is, whether they enjoyed it and whether they would recommend it? Ta.
My dad was in the RAF and he loved it, this was more than 20 years ago. He worked as some kind of technician, still got all his old kit in the garage, old school cap the lot
I dont think i can be arsed with the civil service, they bore the shite outta me. every job i'd enjoy doing is too far outta my reach. the only thing i think thats left for me to do what i would enjoy is the RAF.
I joined at 16 as a Tank driver. Did three years and in that time i drove/fired tanks, blew things up got fit as anything, made loads of good mates, skied, climbed mountains, did white water rafting, got my driving licence (and got paid to get it) and got mortal :drunk: etc etc etc On the flip side i lost my freedom for most of the time, got shit on from great heights (and believe me shit does roll down hill ), was so tired i could barely think & got made to befriend a rabbit for 48 hours then kill, skin and eat it. Either that or starve etc etc etc I think national service should be still around and the Army/Forces has made me a better person so go for it mate, its an experience and a life if you make the most from it
its not that easy squire, or id have been packed many moons ago. only downside of the forces i can see is lack of freedom and fucking parades. beig beasted cant be too much fun either
i nearly signed up for the army when i left school like, but under certain circumstances i didnt. i kno alot of people who are in the army and they say there life couldnt be better.