that nice french bloke......... has any1 else met him??? him and his mate have been in promise the last few weeks in a row n were there for the classix! bless him he finx promise is the best club hes ever been to!! that makes me so happy to hear peeps say that and look like theyr havin the time of their lives!!! :
I met him on friday. Tried speaking french to him then realised that i could speak a word of the language so i smiled and continued dancing. Seemed like a nice bloke though.
hes mint...he always looks like hes havin so much fun....but i have a bit of dificulty with the language barrier meself....i cant remember any french
i met him hes well sound, he was askin me few things and i just kept laughin and sayin..... je nai cemp pren pas- (spelt totally wrong) which means i dont understand! especially when the tuuuunes are poundin out too.
j'ai palez tres bien francais has he got blonde hair? i think i may know who ya talking about, but not sure.
mint! I aint met him yet....... reminds me when i bumped into 4 dutch lads in the Dig when roger sanchez was on between xmas and new year..... they luvved it so much they were gonna cancel plans to get back home for new year and stay in ncle for Satoshi Tomie :groovy:
Re: that nice french bloke......... Où-est-il? Il n’est pas là car il a découvert que ce Message Board est trop nul, et il n’y a que des enculés que l’utilsent!!!!!!!!! Je crois pas qu’un français aimerais une fille comme toi!!!!!! Moi, j’ai vu ta photo!!!!!!
je ne compreds pas was the only phrase i cared to remeber from french..... mrs muller insisted that 'parle vous anglais' wud cum in handy, but surely if they speak english, you cud just say, 'do you speak english?' if they say yes, then they do!