Thailand Does anyone have an idea what vaccinations are required before you visit this country? Thanks in advance
Hepatitis A Recommended for all travelers Typhoid For travelers who may eat or drink outside major restaurants and hotels Routine immunizations All travelers should be up-to-date on tetanus-diphtheria, measles-mumps-rubella, polio, and varicella immunizations
lol you have most of them anyway from been younger i think i just think its the top 2 that u must get not sure though if the vaccianation runs out and you may possibly need the majority i hate needles but needs must for a trip of a lifetime
I've just come back from Thailand and didnt get any vaccinations. I've got a lot of friends who go there two or three times a year and none of them have had any vaccinations either.
just as they said....hap b is also reccomended but not compulsery... my mam sorted me out cos she's a nurse
take some antibiotics and shit to get rid of the chlamydia and ghonorea you will no doubt get from the locals
One of my mates went last year and he didnt need any vaccinations, he said it was amazing aswell. He got a really good tattoo for quite cheap the art work on it puts anything round here to shame. He likes the ladyboys
anyone who dosnt getted fully jabbed up before visting these third world destinations is a complete fool and deserves to be bitten by a tetsi fly
pussy, does it fuck. i agree though if you don't get smacked up before you go, you will defo get some kind of foreign aids
the malaria one rocks i thouhgt i was on acid for week CrAzY nightmares tho! Id be wary of eating seafood in Thailand as well, some of my buds ended up on drips in the hospital after eating prawns. Can anyone imagine what the prawns have been eating on the seabed since boxing day 2005? Noodles for me please
i didn't have a jab for malaria, i had tablets, they tasted fucking wrank though, threw up taking them twice
Course it does, depending on how much flab and muscle you have. One of my arms is always bruised for days. Im not pussy, I cant help it!
are you sure? its normal to have a jab and a course of tabs for as long as you r in a mossy zone maybe they where worried of sticking a needle in your skinny arm
it was a few years ago now when i went to africa, we didn't have them before we went because we weren't going to a dodgy area, but after we had been there a few weeks we decided to go on safari for a week, and the area was high risk malaria so we were put on these tablets for a couple of days before we went.