telewest grrrr.... anyone else on tw running slow? im getting reeli reeeli fuct off with them now... might as well be running at 56k... :evil: oh an for any1 who knows anythin about downloads- why am i being told its gonna take 14hours to download a 7 minute track on soulseek? tinternet = ass crack
what speeds that supposed to be in relation to?? aargh u no i aint got a clue about this thing! pc is good spec, 1meg connection... 1 TRACK - 14 HOURS - :wtf: dont wanna call out smellywest case they charge us 30 squid like last time... :evil:
Re: Slow bro... supprised u havent jumped onto the 2mbit/sec line yet lee!!! am sure i will as soon as NTL pull their fingers out and make it available...ummmmmm speed
im guessin u just have a normal connection then... like me... all these high speed mutherfukers ... :evil:
bolox. the only thing thats high speed is the rate at which th balance of my phone bill goes up when i ring the so called "helpline" then i get put thru to some retarded scouse fuckwit who still uses his fingers to count to ten... gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... :evil: