Take a look.... ....at my newly(butnot yet finished) redesigned website,with a new look and a new name after about ooohhh 2 years,tell me what you think about it and what could be added?and i have got a promise logo to on aswell along with the rest dont worry. www.clubbinit.homestead.com
Tell es what u want put on it and it shall be done straight away.well 2moro actually.when a can be ar5ed
Yeah i know i cant do anything about that,coz its homestead that does it,thats how its free for now,but as soon as i upgrade it'll be gone. dont you like the design?
tis okay but why waste so much space at the top of the page? why does the text in the main part of the page wrap before it reaches the end of the line? the text in the main page below the image of the millenium bridge thing is too close to the pic, the top of the text touches the bottom of the pic! On Line shopping doesn't have an image next to it, why? There isn't enough text in the main page for my liking! On the whole the design is good, just needs a few minor tweaks. See why I chose not to comment? When I do comment I always pretend I know something about web design and spout loads of shite!!!
the reason is being is that its not finished yet,ive only spent about 6 hours on it so far,so theres no links or nowt yet but will be soon. as for the top where all the lovely colours are theres gonna be summit there eventually,but i will take your comments and sort the site out,and i need everyones opinion to improve it,so thanx anyway. anything u think should be added just tell me and i'll do it as soon as possible,and within reason
Okay cool!!! You are going to have a photo gallery, that will make me happy, its the only part of club sites I ever look at, hours of entertainment!!!