sundiss norf - april april 20th.. and lil me will of just turned 20... am quite looking forward to this ear-bashing sundiss.. ANDY FARLEY LISA LASHES ROB TISSERA MARK GRAY JEZ & CHARLIE LEE HASLAM MARK AUSTIN vicious circle... PAUL GLAZBY KARIM ILOGIK TOLLEY THE TROPHY TWINS ASHLEY JAI
I think i might go2 this After several months of asking my m8s, they've sucum 2 the fact they need 2 try a new club Sundiss being top of the list then Crasher
Would say out of the sundis lot, Andy Farleys the only one i d be that fussed about seeing! Vicious Circle crew looks sweet though.
is it just me or is sundiss gettin harder? at the last two theres deffo been a distinct lack of bounce!
i think hard house in general is loosing the bouncy side, and turning towards either getting trancier or harder and darker, look at the directions Tidy has gone. Personally i prefer it to bouncy hard house.
Re: Re: sundiss norf - april will do matey... 99.9% chance i'll be there im still not convinced ur a hard house monkey.
totally agree mate. tis shite when HH is too hard. going to try my best to get to this one. about time i got my arse down to Leeds