Stupid is as stupid does.......... Was just thinking as I was on my home today about all the stupid things i have done over the years. I eventually came to the decision that the stupidest thing i have ever does is when i crashed my motorbike and broke my wrist. Then a few weeks later i decided i wanted to go to the driving range so i cut my pot off. Then i slowly made my way to the driving range feeling happy with myself that my wrist had healed its self so quickly. So i put the ball down on the tee, lined up my shot, swung back with the club and the next thing i heard was a sharp snap and a shooting pain went flying down my arm. Needless to say i had managed to break my wrist again in the same place. Felt mighty stupid to be frank. So kids whats the stupidest ting you've ever done?
Good thread Having my first bucket before a science lesson @ school is one :bonkers: Moving in with a lass after 6 months and getting her preggers after 7 is prob my 1st although i wouldnt change my son for the world