spare tyres (for your car) my front left tyre is barely legal and my front right one is wearing down too but not as much - can you use your spare tyre as one new one, chuck the legal right tyre in the boot and buy a left one? or are spare tyres different to others? they are all the same size..
Re: spare tyres (for your car) The spare tyre is only supposed to be used to get you to a garage to get it repiared. Your not supposed to have it on for driving about. That's the reason it's a strange colour I think
Depends of what type of car you've got, if you've got a car with small wheels like a fiesta or corsa your spare will probs be the same as you other wheels. But if you've got a car with thick wheels like an Audi they come with space saver wheels which arnt as thick as normal wheels so they fit in the boot. If that makes sense?
that just means its a new tyre?? if all the ratings on the tyre match the ones that are fucked, you can use it no problems