Sound levels Just been reading through people's setups they have and some people seem to have some pretty powerful speakers. How loud do people have their music on - do you ever get complaints from the neighbours. You only realise how loud you've got music on until you go into another room and can still hear it blaring away. Anyone use soundproofing?
in newcastle we always have battles with the people in the downstairs flat, others of u may know them or 'him' should i say as our dear friend oasis boy!! we've come to the understanding that he plays his horrible metal shit loud as fuck thru the day and we play our trance or hard house as it tends to be on a weekend well at least it used ot be before the summer anyways, at unsociable times on a weekend so we seemed to have reached a mutual understanding without even having to speak but ya can tell when he's pissed off with us 4 having afterparties n loud music n stuff cos he puts his friggin god awful music on at horrible times on the morning when we've eventually got to bed!! dont hav htis problem at home in guisborough tho cos our house is detached i do always get knackered by ma mam n dad 4 havin it too loud despite my protests of " it sounds shit when its quiet" which of course it does!! xxxx
Re: Sound levels in my last house th fat mackham bastard nex door followed me to th metro station in wes jes pinned me against th wall and threatend to kill me if i ever had my music on again... it was 11.30 in the morning..
Re: Re: Sound levels A bit harsh! It doesn't seem as bad when you're just renting a house but when its your own you feel a bit more responsible, probably cos you're not going to move on in 6 months
Re: Re: Re: Sound levels shopped him to th cops but said they couldnt do nuffin cos to be harrasment it has to happen twice managed to get th day off due to 'exceptional stress' tho he used to complain we were walkin up and down the stairs to loud.. no matter what time of day or night.. +he loved hh
I have a great neighbour where I live in Alnwick. She's still quite young and with four you laddies can put up with a bit of grief anyhow. She doesnt mind the JBL's pumping at any time, if she gets sick she simply sends round one of her younguns, generally the loudest one,a4 year old, and he asks "Can you turn it down for mam for a bit" I agree, and a few hours later its back on. Not that Im ever hear though. Always at work or college !