sorry folks........its your funeral i know all this talk of death is a bit depressin...but it is interestin if u could organize yer own funeral...just to be diferent...wot would u do??
have the church bit and stuf then a huge party because i dont want people to be upset when i die i want them to have a part for me and think of good times maybe hire out foundationa nd have some good DJ's on
i would arrange for all those who attend to be killed so they join me in the afterlife. mwahahahahaha:evil:
I'd make all the guests eat a bit of me raw. That way i would stay with them all for eva. Ruth can even have my arse all to he self.
Re: sorry folks........its your funeral Have you ever considered faking your own death and you would get the chance to enjoy all these things you think about? I'd like to be carried down the aisle to something like the muppets tune. That would get a smile Then be creamated and skinned up and smoked.
I would have a fancy dress funeral and i would like every 1 to hold a free out door party for my wake. i would like to be dremated and have me ashes spread on helvellyn. For the music i would like Signum-what u got for me, Push-strange world, and Underworld-born slippy. I'll get back to you with the fine details. My family have asked me to tell them when i know what i want, just so that if it does happen at least they know what i want as apposed to doing the exact opposite.
U cant hire out foundation thats just a stupid idea! Besides theres FAR better venues! Ikon is a better night club than any other for at least 100 miles. NOT the music! I'm talking the venue itself then put on what dj's u want! I still wouldnt opt for IKON tho i'd go for the empire i think as i love the decor!
I want that too but not till they have finnished knawing my raw flesh off my bones. If every one is in there best suits i will have to give out free novelty paper bib type things that you get in american restaurants with the hym books. I bet i taste like chiken!!