Sorry about me . . . .

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vin, May 25, 2002.

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  1. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Sorry about me . . . .

    . . . . last night for being such a completely miserable grump all night. I was completely and utterly done in and had no energy whatsoever to do anything, let alone dance. I basically had a horrible horrible night, though it was absolutely nothing to do with Richard, John or Eddie cos from what i could tell they all sounded wikkid.

    It was my last exam on Friday morning so i ended up drinking all day with my uni pals (starting at 1130am). :eek: :eek: Not good preparation for Promise i can tell ya! By the time i left them all and went to Promise i wasnt especially drunk, i was just completely knackered. I tried to pick myself up but it just wasnt happening and i ended up spending most of the night sat on the seats or sat on the sinks in the toilet just mumbling stuff at various randoms.

    So, sorry to anyone who tried to talk to me and got pretty much no response! :)
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