Sky- help Does anyone know whats wrong with my sky digital.. I went to watch the telly just before and there was nothing on normal telly so i decided to put sky on and it just kept saying searching for listings. And i tried turning it off then back on but it still said the same thing and i left it for ages but it never changed
I sometimes have the same problem. I believe the techinical way to describe the problem is: "The Sky box is fucking up".
Might be the weather, leave it for about 10 mins then try again, mine does it all the time and so does Debs, it must be fucking Bedlington
Its not the first time its done it...but it was ages ago when it last happened and the sky box aint even that old.
if u ring them up they tell you to switch it all off and pull wires out and blow in them and stuff i was working for a young paralysed guy last year and his used to do it all the time....and every time he rang them i had to do the whole blowing in wires and holes never worked but i think he liked making me look like an idiot it will probably sort itself out without pulling it all apart
The problem with Sky is theres too many channels, i start to watch a programme then the break comes so i start to flick about and find something else then forget about what i was watching in the first place... so ive decided to get rid of it and get freeview and save me self over £30 a month. Theres a way you can get free pay per view (porn as well) and it definatley works havnt paid for the films, porn or footy for months now... just follow the instructions below. PRESS SERVICES, PRESS 4 (SYSTEM SETUP), PRESS 0 AND 1 AND SELECT (TO ACTIVATE MENU) PRESS 3 (TELEPHONE SETTINGS) SCROLL TO 'DIALLING PREFIX' ENTER '333' (DON'T ENTER ANY OTHER PREFIX) SCROLL TO 'SAVE NEW SETTINGS' AND SAVE THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE WHEN DONE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND NO CHARGE WILL BE INCURRED! 1) SELECT BOX OFFICE ON YOUR REMOTE 2) SELECT THE FILM OR EVENT YOU WISH TO WATCH 3) WHEN PROMPTED FOR PIN(if you have one) DO NOT ENTER IT!!!! 4) UNPLUG TELEPHONE LINE FROM YOUR DIGIBOX 5) NOW ENTER YOUR PIN NUMBER (if you have one) 6) YOUR FILM OR EVENT WILL NOW COME ON 7) ENJOY YOUR FILM OR EVENT 8) WHEN FILM OR EVENT IS FINISHED SWITCH YOUR SKYBOX OFF AT THE MAINS 9) LEAVE POWER OFF FOR 5 MINS 10) AFTER 5 MINS SWITCH YOUR DIGIBOX BACK ON AND PLUG TELEPHONE LINE BACK IN Enjoy
I went a bit crazy at one point and was ordering loads of stuff just cos it was free and ended up getting the message " there is insufficent credit left on your viewing card please phone such and such" ended up having to pay £9 for the newcastle - basle match last month cos of it.... working again now tho. Reckon i'll abuse it right up until i get rid of it in the new year.
Like I say I've only done it a few times but its always worked Someone on here told me about it when I first joined, its a good trick like!
hahahaha, ure allowed to rip large corporations off, its the law, chairman, oh i think i will give myself a pay rise, say a million quid fukk off like, ure allowed, tis the law, end of