Sign of the times I let my 4 year old have a go of my X box, i put Need for speed 2 on and i can't believe how good he is at it
What are you wittering on about? A. I am training for a new career & B. I have enough money to survive till I've finished the course anyway so why do i need to work?
James I've worked none stop since i was 13, this is the first time i haven't had a job since i was at school. Comment on my life when you eventually move out of Mummys house
Re: Sign of the times I let my little'un on the PS2 when he was 4, he knew what to do straight away He was 5 at Xmas and got a DS, he is mint on that too, he showed me how to power slide on mario kart. When I was 5 I didn't know how to use the spectrum
i played ma cousin on tekken n he was like 3, he managed to kill 3 of my guys, they just hit all the buttons n shit happens! i try that n fuk all happens lol.
Re: Sign of the times If you drive an xbox car like you drove that saxo im not suprised that he whooped you
Re: Re: Re: Sign of the times It has improved tenfold since you sold your car and got them new driving lessons