Sign of the times The team on Tyneside to cover Wednesday's match for BBC Radio 5 received an official directive from their London bosses banning them from using the phrase "toon army" during their commentary. The reason? It was decreed that the similarity of this phrase to "Tsunami" may cause offence to listeners in the light of the recent appalling natural disaster in the Indian Ocean. However, this political correctness hasn't yet extended to Whitley Bay Playhouse, who are still showing "Beyond the Sea" in the new year.....
aye someone posted bout that earlier on here (i think?) or maybe it was readytogo msg board..cant remember. they shud ban any word associated with newcastle tbh tho lol nah, being serious tho is ridiculous..........its getting like amercia where every1 afraid of being sued remember when that last rail disaster happened here? they took the railway children movie off schedule ffs! i mean come on
Lost Mag pet. Username is alreetlike. I barely post on there since it went shite and everyone half decent started posting on the Mackem Boozer instead, but signed up about 2 yrs ago when I first joined Toontastic/Toon-Chat/Newcastle-Online/whatever the feck it's called these days.:spangled: RTG was actually a really good board.. Before the Parsnip thing started.. though that was a funny week.. [/the good old days] I think they're okay with allowing new members now, it used to be invite only when it started out. Brilliant bunch though, for mackems like.
Very cliquey at first by the way, they've all known each other years.. as you're a tramp like them though you should slot in nicely.