Shows in London Never been to one before am going in Jan. Whats the average price for a ticket? First quote was about £80. Just wondering whether its gunna be cheaper to book hotel and show together (discount).... or whether to go for budget accomodation and prob full whack ticket. Any ideas you, you, ............cultured folk?!
It really depends on the show and how long its been running for, where it is and where you want to sit! Prices can vary quite a bit so you just have to keep looking really, apparently the accommodation and a show combined tickets are pretty good value and you usually end up with good seats!
Les Miserables is in perfect location as well. Close to all the sites, Leicester square, Soho the lot... I stayed in a hotel at Tottenham court road and was in walking distance to the theatre.
I'm off to the Bett Show with work but wanna combine into a weekend of fun with the missus too. So a show/meal and that. Only been to london once before so dont where the hell anything is. Getting train to Kings Cross and thats about all I know......
I would go for the hotel/ticket deals u can get...if ur taking the missus im sure she'd wanna stay in a nice hotel, like the ones u usually get as part of those deals rather than a hostel
Just find a cheap hotel, then when you're in London go to one of the cheap ticket offices (there's loads of them around- quite a big one in Leicester square). They sell tickets there for cover proce, plus about a fiver. Works out about £20-£40 depending on what you go to see.
There quite a few decent cheap ones in Victoria, which is not too far away from central london (5-10min tube, or 10min bus/taxi).
If your just going for the show there's some really good deals done by coach companies up here. I was looking for tickets and some were over a £100 just for one ticket!