Shindig Many people going down tonight?? Well looking forward to it personally, everything ive heard from these two together so far has been fucking quality.
My brain says "go to shindig" but my body says "dont bother u old goat" I want to go but I'm totally nackered off last night. And it's all DJ Blackhall's fault :rofl:
What happened to last night then son? Mint banter in Shindig. I woke up in the middle of my floor with the music blasting and nobody around.... I still have my fucking eyebrows this time though :evil:
I didn't have enough money coz work didn't pay me (til today) and couldn't get a sub. Which is just as well coz I was totally fucked anyways. Sounds like a canny afters though
My house has seen it's fair share. Almost 10 years worth. It will all come to an end though when me and Zara get our own place. No more afters
Are you looking for a place? I'd love to finally get my own place when I start working away again as my wages will go back up. But I could never decide between Hexham & Newcastle. Both have their pros and cons. I'd love to be able to walk to my mates in Hexham whenever I fancy, and taxi from town isn't too bad. But then I'd also like to walk out of digital or wherever and go a couple mile up the road.. Then it would be afters at mine of course...
I still have Chewbakka (sp?) here That video Stephen took with my camera too. Haha. If you look closely you can see me trying to take a draw off someones glowstick, when I drop it on Yovil, he shouted "watch the fucking hot rocks man" as we thought it was a fucking joint :spangled:
ive got 2 see that video like! ive got a vid of us 2, ure playing with the glow stick and yovil is walkking around wanting a piss but doesent kna whats ganning on
awww me chewy, ill bring han solo netx time im up! WHICH I OWE ALL U LOT AN EXPLINATION! so ill make sure i cum up soon I PROMISE
Ive never seen that video I can remember taking it like, it was when we were all at the very depths of a k-hole
It was class, from what I remember. Although a picture of me hanging off the bars/holding on for dear life at the back, with my eyes closed, says otherwise. Music was great. Banter was top notch. I woke up in the middle of my lving room floor after my afters too. So all in all a wicked night
Thought the warm up DJ was really good. Really tight and played some wicked house music. Got everyone in the mood. Crazy that he was actually their sound tech Was expecting them to both be on together but it really worked just as well with them playing seperate for most of the night. Fanciulli played some huge music and the atmosphere was awesome. How busy though? Felt like i was in a wrestling ring all night. To be totally honest i cant remember anything about what zabiela played. I was loving it though so it must have been good Wicked banter :groovy: