Sheridan tune ID Sheridan played a track which was absolutely amazing. I asked slash and I think he said it was a remix of an old westbam tune or something. All I remember is an amazing intense riff and some kind of scream as it was coming out of the breakdown. Any ideas?
could be red jerry vs westbam - wizards of the sonic check out the matt darey remix from 'back in the day' they dont make riffs like this no more!
this is the latest remix of it on juno wizards of the sonic remix not the same as matts tho also found this flashheadz version on tidy
Don't think it was Wizards of the Sonic, I would have recognised that. At least deffinitely not the Matt Darey Mix.
If its an old PVD track then its probably West bam - right on. Cracking track, and something Adam would play definetley.
Cheers lads, that sounded fucking intense in promise. Mick what was the one you asked Tulip about? Another quality track.
Could have sworn i had it on vinyl untill i asked rich and he told me what it was. Sounded amazing on the boat