Second Hand Record Shopping ?? Does anyone ever venture to this ?? I have thought about it but never really got tound to it - i have seen some lists before that people have put up of purchases but i just cant see there being any good shops to go :spangled: Hardwick donated 8000 records i know to an Oxfam a while back - imagine finding that stash !
i imagine a lot of old tunes you buy even from websites are second hand!! even the new ones sometimes have belonged to some dj far far away who didnt want it so sold to it the record shop!
ive got a few from charity shops: i got system f vs armin exhale for 50p k klass rythym is a mystery for 50p and from ebay ive had the bucketheads, bizarre inc, yeke yeke, jose amnesia, i would recommend having a dig around, there are plenty of tresures to be found.
Used to do it quite a bit with little phily, Newcastle is good for this!! Got some early Farley Jackmaster Funk stuff for 50p