great, but they don't do my printer!!! i've bought a printer off dabs, than NO ONE sells the ink for... HP - WTF :spangled:
someone where i work bought 15-20 HP 3820's for desktop use.... they were all dead within 18 months. Entry level crap. Yet, we've got tons of 710c's plugging away... slow but steady
are those the reallly old ones? i'm pretty pissed off with this to be honest, i've used 3/4 of a cartridge on less than 100 sheets of black text... yet I printed 3 150+ page dissertations out on my old epson without having to change the ink once... is it me or are HP really crap?
If the cartridges you got with it are "Light Use" ones (a standard ploy now), they only contain half the ink of normal ones so they get used up quicker. As for printers, we have a 4 year old 930c next door. Not the fastest one ever but works ok... the 640 before it was shite though