Saw Don't know if this has already had a thread but i watched it last nite nd im really freaked!! Isn't this just the maddest film ever, very clever i thought, i was expectin loads of blood nd guts (it's still got a bit like) but it's more in ya head really! How :evil: must the person who wrote it be!!
Going to see it on Tuesday I think. I've heard it's scary if you're easily freaked out (which I can be) but with a crap storyline.
Re: Saw he's not particually evil he's probably just got a over active and good imagination or something stephen kings wrote some grusome books but he wasnt evil
The worst one in saw is when he has that bloke in the cage full of barbed wire and he has to get through it before the door closes...
Saw to me wasnt even scary....... maybe its my sick sense of humour but i couldnt take the thing seriously at all i mean the lead chep was in hot shots for gods sake ... the acting and actors cast in it were bollocks to be polite ... good idea good plot but come on .... the grudge on the otherv hand quality ... all the way ....