satdy nite i went to shindig and shuffled wi the best of 'em, and actually had a really cracking time. nice! i cannot believe how many ppl dance in exactly the same manner. makes me laugh!! march march march march march....clap clap clap clap clap.......point at the dj point at the dj point at the dj.
I was gonna go to Shindig on Saturday but ended up going to Turbulence because I got in free. Thought Turbulence was pretty damn good.
shindig aint really my scene, but turbulence is even farther from my scene im afraid. i just cant cope wi d n b!! i thought shindig was honky and trendy at the start cos not many ppl danced but towards the end they all loosned up a bit and the atmosphere was much better and i had more room to flail my arms which is always a bonus
i danced to hardhouse on saturday!. i had forgotten the amusement to be had absolutely nailing people who can't dance, and those that take it too seriously. the music was well wank, though i'm sure you would of loved it, lots of hoooooovers and other such annoying-as-fuck noises going off all night. shit music, shit crowd, good fun.
Tall Trees BK was on & others The Trophys were on early in the backroom as I saw them when they got to Crasher.
The Trophies were excellent at GC really put a lot into it, Fozzie was getting smashed & Adam was all over the place
i love them and want to marry them both. i am a step closer to my goal as i got their autograph a bit ago.... ok so it aint gonna happen really but i can dream. wouldnt say no 2 fergie either tho.
The atmosphere in shindig is always quality - if you stay away from the back room there's not that many posers. Jon Carter was good but not as good as some people make out he is
John Carter was distinctly average on saturday, i was well disappointed. Was a bit of a let down compared to his set last year. Tunes were just a bit samey all night, although to be fair, he picked it up a bit towards the end. Last 20mins were more Carteresque, but not enough to make up for the previous 2hrs.
i think youre right. and the people who say it are the people who havet even been or have been once. once people go they are actually surprised at how good it is i was and ive never looked back
Thats what I thought especially in the middle, it seemed to go a bit flat. Started off well and finished OK
trophy twins = stunning fergie however...he gives the illusion of bin good lookin until he opens his mouth hes got the worst teeth eva!! xxxx
Adam has got a really stunning G/F called Jo who is equally as friendly as she is stunning. I havent seen a Ms Foster tho