sander kleinenberg? What sorta stuff does he play? has anyone got any recent sets from him they could share! any info would be ideal
he plays prog. Sander Kleinenberg - Live @ Le Queen Paris No tracklist as of yet. WMA file, about 28 meg. Clicky
he plays sort of progressive house, and he's really good. also does some breaks stuff from what ive heard. ive got a set from last year from him, u could get it from me on soulseek but i cant remember my username and im not at home to find it. ill try to tell you later mate
seen him at crasher once pretty good like its hard to describe what he plays like. if he still plays the same its sort of proggy.
thats wrong imo, depends what you like id say chris dont just stick to prog listen to a few things, i normally just buy stuff with good percussion because it fits and try jump between styles a bit
was just listening to some trance recently, its not too bad, but i never get the urge to play or buy any, i dont enjoy mixing it and i dont think trance is heading anywhere, its stayed relatively the same in sound for years so youve got to ask how long it can go on for. i still like to have a listen tho
theres some nice tunes about, but theres also some shite! Theres some decent progressive trance at the moment which im liking!
its the same with every genre really, i lean more towards the housey side myself, still love it all tho
haha u tricked me, u said do i want to come to london i remember u mentioning it ages ago u crafty bugger, i think not
dont have that much cash, i owe u dosh and wud rather save money for djs i wanna see these days, theirs roadworks going on outside my house where i can get a headache for free and remi theres nothing wrong with electro prog either
Like Quick said there isnt much good prog around at the minute and 90% of its electro prog. Just my 2 cents
:worship: Sander Kleinenbergs fucking awesome, last time i saw him he played Gintare - Trancenavigation at the paeak of his set, what a tune.