Strange stuff mate................ had a bucket of it a while ago and it makes you feel well weird not in a bad way tho.............. havnt done it since mind.
a mate of mine imports it from mexico... big bags of the stuff. i wanna give it a blast. reckon its worth a try?
i read up quite a bit on it.. smoked it properly.. but nothing but happened.... cud of been some poor quality stuff...
i only smoke it to fall asleep dont really care that it does nothing for me... ill stick to other smokes
u need the x10 stuff, the normal stuff they sell here is shite. Ive had some from amsterdam and it blew my head off, the stuff here i didnt get an effect from. is his website. im gonna try the 5x potency extract first.. he sells 10 and 15x but ill take it easy. sounds like a nice experiment anyway
dont bother with the 5x.. what i had.. u'll have more luck with visuals by poking urself in the eye a few dozen times...