Rob Rob, your avatar is really disturbing :cry2: Please change it. Its honestly making my stomch turn each time I see it. Ive got tears in my eyes
They keep them in that jar for months you know. So that they dont grow. They cant eat or drink properly. Cant move. Its cruelty. Rob, please its horrible. Bad enuf that it actually happens in the world, but to advertise it isnt nice. Especially since half the twits on here find it funny. :cry2:
for heavans sake girlies - ITS FAKE! Another Urban Myth to upset girls into never going on the internet again.... Have u seen the site? They've got a baby sitting on the glass bottle FFS
don't feel bad for the kittens, feel for the girlfriendless nerds who can be arsed to set about taking these pictures, buying a domain and setting it up You're pretty - these chaps probably look like bulldogs licking piss off nettles, have bad BO and are under-developed, if u know what i mean...
Been reading the Bonsai Kitten website and it's a blatant windup The guestbook in particular is hilarious
Are you just saying that? Honest i do feel much better. I think a link like thats been up on the board before and I was distraught!! What a muppet :doh:
ive never ever ever ever laughed so much in my whole life than the hour ive just spent on that site. oh my fucking god. Yes. Yes it is real