Rise in police searches of Asians The number of people from Asian backgrounds stopped and searched by police has increased by 300% since the Terrorism Act 2000 came into force. NOT SURE WHAT THIS MEANS, JUST THOUGHT I WOULD POST IT BEFORE HARPER DOES
doesnt surprise me The more we search minorities - the worse things will get, but on the other side it doesnt pay to be "hands off" all of the time, as the number of anti terror "busts" have proved to a minor extent. Having said that, its just another example of treating the symptoms, and not the problem - which boils down to lies and foreign policy. Over and out.
Mickey Moore reckons we should of gave them innocent arabs known as the Bin Layden family "the treament" before they left America
What does one have to do with another apart from the fact they are both arab/asian/whatever... You're gonna have to fish harder than that d00d!
You were up in arms about people getting searched & banged up, yet your GOD is up arms that that the innocent members of the Bin Laydens didnt get stop search & banged up.
He's not my god, Chomsky is Come on, you dont REALLY want me to sit and explain the difference between the first story and the bin ladens do yah?
I'm in favour of stop and search procedures. If I was stopped and searched, even a lot, I would just accept that the Police were doing their job. Uphold the law.
Doesn't say how much searches of caucasian/white/black/oriental people have gone up.... interesting selective reporting....