Reason?!? does anybody have a copy of this n could burn it on 2 cd 4 me? downloaded it last night (6 bloody hours!) and it dont work (knew it wouldnt my luck ) i would sort u out a drink or summit if u could bring it 2 promise 2morrow or a.s.a.p would be a great help want it so bad! trying 2 get demo n patch now but aint half as good! cheers karl51.
pretty pretty pretty please!!!!! hehe u know ya wanna, go on, go on go on go on go on please :cyber: (mad lemming creature loves ya!)
ooof i want it, but i need someone to show me how to work it, then im gonna sit in a room for a few months and make some wicked tunes honest. im mint me. honest, youre not believing me? why are you not believeing me???im mint, i swear.