Random post - You've waited and waited, the suspense has killed u, but now its here.. .....Thursday, BBC 1, 8pm. Just watch it!
Bargain Hunt has gone prime time!!! the contestants get to spend £500 on anitiques instead of the old £200, also get an xtra hour to find the bestest bargains!
Can't believe I was the only one to watch it! Don't u people ever listen to my advice!!!!!! Tis a bit bad that you get £500 to spend tho. It used to be so much better when u only got £50. Davey was on top form tho. One team spent a load of money on this clock too only to find out that it was a fake!!!!
LOL!! ne luck there like! when did they used to get £50? that must have been b4 i was born like! i remember it bein £200!