Ramma - Sad twat or wot? Oh dear, here we go. Some arsehole puts up a provocative post, gets lots of replies, thinks he is important. Were you bullied much at school? I have a high tolerance for most people, but Ramma belongs in a group called "arseholes". These people generally have few friends, as only arseholes likes other arseholes. I don't like arseholes Ramma, if you don't like Promise then it's easy, just don't go there and you won't be offended. I don't go cybered, but it don't bother me one bit that some people do. It doesn't bother me that some rockport types come to Promise either. I wouldn't go drinking in the Bigg Market tho, as it's generally full of arseholes. If you wanna come to Promise, then then come with an open mind, and you'll find lots of open-minded friendly people there. I did. If you don't like it, then don't come. It's also pointless putting up threads slagging the people who do go there. People who dress in cyber are just dressing up for a night out, as do the people who go to the Bigg Market in beer-boy apparel. I don't slag beer-boys off, I'd just rather they stayed in there, and not come to OUR club and slag it off.
I think thats one of the best things about Promise, its got a great mix. I dont go cyber but i loved seeing so many people cybered up on Fri (those who like it should do it more often). I tend to just wear a t-shirt with decent baggyish jeans and decent trainers. Theres plenty of others who just do the same. We also get a lot of the shirt'n'shoes brigade in as well, but as long as theyre not there to cause bother i dont mind at all. In fact i think most of our regular charvs are friendly charvs. I certainly wouldnt wanna see the place full of charvs every week but equally I wouldnt like to see it ALL cyber as that can create an arrogance about the place if absolutely everyone is doin it. As i say i think we got a great mix.
Shit! I hadnt read the "cyber wankers" thread when i posted that last one. So pretty much of what i said has already been covered in that thread really. Ramma, i dont remember meeting you on Friday. Did i? But by the sounds of things you should stick to Gurn.
Ramma was attacking bigots, by way of sarcastically playing their own game. If you can't see that the joke's on you.
A clever ploy to highlight this fact, however sarcasm is hard enough to decipher in face to face conversations, its bang on impossible to detect sarcasm if ain't blatant on a post
I'll grant you that. From the first post alone it could be interpreted many ways. However, he since made himself a bit more clear, so anyone who reads the post now can see it's not a bigotted attack on cybers, it's a sarcastic example of the offence bigotry can cause. Confusion at first I agree, but I think overall he put his point across quite well.
Ramma, you haven't proved any point. You got a lot of "fuck-offs" in reply to your post, which proved nothing excpet that you shouldn't expect a reasoned defence of cybers from a one-liner of "Cyber Wankers" Remember... If someone has a different opinion to yours, it doesn't make them wrong. What the fuck is your problem? And KalishniSmallCock? If you've got a prob with cybers, then please explain it. If you can't, then say nothing
It was supposed to, to show that generalisations can offend people. Now that everyone knows there's no hard feelings, is there any need for these hate-threads?
I havn't got any problem with cybers. I'm sorry if you feel that way. In fact, I think it's a lot more interesting to see people who have made an effort, and I think they can look good under the strobe lights. Personally, I don't wear cybers for several reasons: a) I think they look better on lasses. b) I'm a cheapskate student without a job, so I can't really afford it and I think much of it is overpriced anyway. c) I'm a bit of a lazy bastard who can't be arsed to compose my own clubbing wardrobe. d) I find going overboard can make you hot and sweaty and tired quicker, which means you need to rest more. I like to go with what is more practical and I feel comfy in. My beef is not with cybers, it is specifically with small minded people who start assuming what kind of a person someone is just by what they're wearing. Sure, everyone thinks "he looks like a right scruffy bastard" or "I wouldn't want to bump into him in a dark alley" from time to time, but to actively hold prejudices and suggest that people in shirts are more likely to be violent, and come up with names like "beer boy" is childish in my opinion. I don't want to have to keep re-ittirating this, so I'll quickly break it down... Cybers: I have no problem with them "Beer boys": I have no problem with them Violent people who throw kebabs in people's faces: I don't like them. Small minded people who bare prejudices: I don't like them. We seem to have got off on the wrong foot, but I hope this has clarified a few things.
I've spoke to Ramma a few times on gurn and I like the guy but I don't think his post made any sense, it's fine and well to have a go at cybers who call shirt wearing lager drinkers "beer boys" while considering themselves "real clubbers", if theres a history of people doing this But to be honest I'd say at least half of this board fit into the shirt wearing beer drinking category, I can count the cybers on my hands (the club holds over 1000 people, that aint a very big ratio)... His post would of made far more sense on gurn or crasher, but on the Promise site? I'd say half my friends in Promise are "beer boys"... I think people didn't get his point cos it didn't make much sense... at least I think we don't have a history of arrogant clubbers like say crasher
and the point of this whole thread was what exactly? i thought you were old...you should be setting a good example
for fucks sake anarchy can you not let this go, ramma was trying to make a valid point, but didnt do it to well, every1 has had their say n the other threads, its over and done with grow up.
Re: Ramma - Sad twat or wot? hypocrite???? as far as im aware the night belongs to the people that run it, and other than that is open to all. you must just be more important than them